From Startup To Sale-Ready Success

Craft Your Business For A Profitable Exit

Supercharge your entrepreneurial journey to build, scale, and lock in a prosperous future. 

Fuel your business’s full potential with proven growth strategies, tailored coaching, and hands-on training.

How can I help you?

My expertise lies in propelling small businesses from growth to sale, priming them for a profitable exit. I offer bespoke mentoring with practical training and strategic planning to transform your aspirations into tangible success.

Mentoring & Coaching

Tailored guidance to unlock potential and foster strategic growth, through personalised support and accountability.

1-1 & Group Sessions

Personal 1-1s offer deep dives into your business, while group workshops provide diverse insights and networking.

Training Courses

Unlock your potential with training programmes and workshops focused on scaling, efficiency, and preparing for sale.

Exit Strategy Planning

Maximise the profitability of your business exit with my detailed planning sessions and expert guidance based on my experience.

Digital Transformation

Transform your operations and customer experience with strategic digital adoption, for enhanced efficiency and innovation.

Business Model Innovation

Chart a path to success with innovative business models that open exciting new opportunities for sustainable growth.

About Me - Diarmid Sloan

7-Figure Entrepreneur

I’ve turned three startups into profitable exits over 20 years, with the latest deal for £2.5m in 2021. My journey from bootstrapped startup equips me with unique insights to help you scale and prepare your business for a successful exit. Let’s leverage my hard-won experience to chart your path to success.

Read my full story of how I built, scaled and sold a 7-figure business – download the ebook here!

Ready to accelerate your business growth?

Sustainable business growth and success don’t just happen by accident; they are built on a foundation of strategic planning and insights from those who have walked the path before.